Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Life as a King: Latent Search

Artificial intelligence has been featured in SCI-FI movies and books for years and years now. The idea that we humans can communicate with a computer or device as if it were a human being has fascinated us for decades. With good reason.

Artificial intelligence would bring a whole new way to how we live life. We would be able to have full conversations with out cell phones, ask them about the latest trends, good food, and even fun facts.
Recently, search giants like Google have been trying to utilize this form of artificial intelligence so users will be able to “have a conversation” with Google while attempting to search for something. This is a part of Googles push for Latent Search.

Latent search gives users more freedom with their search terms. With latent search, search engines will be focusing less on the keyword phrases being said, and more on what is being asked of them.

Let’s say you’re sitting in your house and you realize you really want a hamburger, you pick up your phone and voice or type search “Burgers (your location)” and then go through and read reviews about the burger joints nearby until you find one that has good reviews and a good menu and go to that one.

With latent search, if you are craving a burger you can just type into or talk to your search saying “Best burger restaurant near me”. And the data that will be presented to you will be burger places near your location that have positive reviews.

Latent search is expected to change the way that the search market will run. The purpose of it is to bring users what they want and cater searches to their unique needs, instead of just the keywords that are typed in.

What do you think about latent search?

Do you think it could take out the need for keywords all together?

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